Monday, 16 September 2013

you can't grow if you're stuck in the same place

I declare this past week BANANAS!

  I feel like I haven't synced my new schedule with my life yet, so bear with me.  Bare with me?  Bear with me.  Oh boy, that's the way it's been this week!  
  Are any of you feeling like I am? -getting ahead of yourself by anticipating fall even as you mourn the loss of summer, scrambling to catch up with everything that fell by the wayside the minute the last school bell rang or the temperature soared past 20 degrees.  I'm even feeling the pressure of needing to flip my closet by packing away all those cute summer cottons for heavier woolen knits.
  I'm feeling a little scrambled, as if you couldn't tell!
  I always love this time of year, it's my favorite, I think, (though my mood sways my certainty all too often).  The days are still warm enough to pull off a tank top, yet the evenings require being wrapped in soft, fuzzy, scarf optional-but always necessary for me, layered outerwear.  There is even something in the air that begs to be nurtured outdoors by the roaring warmth of a fire.
  Here's a story of catch up for you to go with this new, early Autumn, panicked mood I've been feeling this past week.
  I have exhausted telling you how I love music.  I know that.  You know that.  So let's move on.
  Here's my shocking, stunning, silence inducing confession: Not so much!
  There was a time when I didn't listen to music AT ALL.  I got caught up, by my own choices, in working hard to be something I definitely was not, which is a whole other story unto itself.  Then my babies were small and, let's be honest, some things just have to give.  
  There is a large chunk of musical time that I lost.  Now I'm playing catch up.  I hate the idea of being a bandwagon jumper.  So because I feel that way, I refuse to feel that I am on that type of train.
  I'm merely playing catch up!  And as luck would have it, I likely have a greater appreciation for the old tunes I'm only now discovering.  I feel pretty great about it actually!  I get to listen more objectively to a larger catalogue, discard the tunes I don't have the patience for and embrace enthusiastically those that I am able to fall in love with, and there is a lot I'm falling in love with.
  There are also sounds I wouldn't have been too keen on 5, 7, or even 2 years ago, that I absolutely can't get enough of today.
  Discovery, whether of self or new and exciting things is always good; at least that is what I believe, because the universal truth that you can't grow if you're stuck in the same place, is undeniably, notoriously TRUE!

  So maybe a week that has sent me through the woods and over the hill way past crazytown is exactly what I need to un-stick myself from treading water in the same spot!
  I don't see next week or the week after being any less bananas, but if I break free from the glass walls I often find myself trapped behind (because I put myself there), I can push forward, stretch and grow from the experience and, if I'm super lucky, come out the other side a better, well rounded and less fearful-of-the-unknown type of person.
  I want to stretch and grow even more this season than I have through any other I've weathered.  I'm ready to swing with confidence at the change-up and curve-ball the Pitcher throws my way!  And like I already told you, Autumn is my favorite, so why not embrace and run wild, see where you might land once you've come out the other side. 
  Being stuck in the same place will never get you where you want to go!

  It's Monday, and this is goose bump, inspiring stuff!  Let's start off this week with courage, inspiration, an encouraged spirit and an attitude that is ready to blaze a trail!
  That's all!  Now get out there!
  We'll chat soon.  

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