Monday, 9 September 2013

I'm On Fire - Mumford & Sons (Lollapalooza 2013) [HD]

Annnd they're off!!

  School!  School!  School!!
  No grumbles here this morning....from any of us!  The boys are thrilled and so is this Mama!  The bus came bright and early to reunite them with their friends and whisk them off to the land of learning and a consistent routine!
  Where did the summer go?
  There are a few things I am absolutely sure of; although it was a CRAZY juggling act, it may have been the best one yet!
   What would this recap catch-up time be without a little chit chat about the weather?!  Temperatures soared and the humidity was dense, when the rains finally came, it cooled and felt more like fall.  But never fear!  The heat returned and there was a second wave of beach days, sprinkler dancing, Popsicle licking, shade-seeking reveling in the sun. 
  Ahh!  Summer is grand but I'm ready for evenings by the fire to stay warm, my woolen sweater, even my slippers and sleeping with only my nose peeking out from beneath my heavy blankets.

  Summer began and ended much the same way for me; with a surprise!
  The first was from my sweetheart.  He took me away, made all the plans and indulged me with his time.  It was a celebration and a marvelous time spent together.  Some of my favorite moments of that time is the memory of walking down street after street, my hand joined with his, with nowhere to be but lost with each other.
  The finale was a very last minute adventure.  It was one of those things on my list.  The list that I had tucked away for a while knowing the timing wasn't right, my circumstances at the moment would prevent it, and the gap between me and making this one a reality, miles and miles of distance from my finger tips.  But low and behold, something happened!  A few somethings actually.
  A spontaneous girlfriend, who took care of the details, bless her!
  A host of called in favors.
  A hope I held on to, like a hope in the darkness!
  A few tanks of gas and hours of endless road, a pillow to rest my head, a few bites to sustain my body, a spontaneous spirit that would not back down because a few obstacles blocked my path.
  You know I love music, I surely don't need to tell you that at this point of our journey.  I adore words, a fancy tune doesn't hurt, and when combined with a splash of this and a sprinkle of some sort of magical talent, for me, you get Mumford & Sons.  Each song has a morsel of truth for my spirit which can often bring me to my knees or in the very least remind me of what I value and find infinitely important.  
  They are my favorite.
  I went.
  They played.
  I cried.  Yes, I know......
  I'm still speechless days later and wonder if it actually happened or if summer delirium has set in and conned me into believing it happened.
  But I have proof!  A bunch of really bad pictures, a T-shirt, and a portion of my hearing I'm sure is permanently gone...(yes, I admit, I'm old, or it may be the sinus cold I brought home with me!)
  They exceeded my expectations (it's shocking that they could sound better live than recorded) and I will do my best to try and see them again and again and again, and YES, again!
  I am useless if picking a favorite moment is what you're after, though the quiet acoustic moment on an alternate stage and a piano interlude will not be forgotten; start to finish it was pure and spectacular enjoyment.
  Here's a little sample of what I saw and heard, though I want to believe they were much better in the show I saw!

Just in case you needed that piece of proof that it happened!  
Pardon the camera work,
though you already know I'm no technician!

Enjoy, and cheers to a beautiful new week, 
the upstart of school,
a beautiful blond girl who encouraged
the spontaneous side of this planner,
a small piece of what I need to
awake my soul and inspire me for months to come!

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