The song of geese may not appeal to everyone's ear, whether due to the calling of the onset of a harsh and barrenly frigid winter on the horizon, or due to their intrusive honk.
I hear a chorus. A song. The song of a Faithful Season changing. The song of a entrance, of exit, of new and old mingling in the in between, waiting with reverence and revelry for what is yet to be seen.
I hear praise.
I hear glory.
I hear faithfulness.
Wow, it's been a season, friends. It's been up and down and a lot of dark, blindfold walking, bumping into walls, tentative steps that tear at our toes, and harsh and weary words that tear apart instead of build up, as a good neighbor is called to do.
It's been a season.
And the honking of the goose song echoes that and ushers in a new one, that can bring hope, promise, reveal faithfulness and love.
We need only look. Use our opportunities. And allow kindness. A stranger's smile. An uncertainty to offer us the opportunity to embrace courage instead of fear, grace instead of anger, and love instead of hate.
Let's use the time we have to be better, create better, and pick up the weary when we ourselves feel lost.
Praise the Father,
Praise the Son,
Praise the Spirit Three In One.
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