Friday, 10 January 2014

  All is quite here, the sun has not yet come up, the wind is calm, and a new day is on the horizon.  That is my best effort at the moment to sound dramatic and writterly!
  I've been pouring all my creative energies into my other project the past two weeks and when that happens this space tends to suffer.  There it is again, the you-can't-have-it-all problem! Though in this case it's not such a problem, because either way, I'm being creative and putting words on the page; it's a crazy-good feeling!
  What I know is that it's Friday.  How that happened so quickly is beyond me, in my mind it is still Monday and, after my previous post - on Monday, school was in fact cancelled after all.  So my week has been turned, shuffled, and reworked to look different than usual.  Throw in a last minute family gathering and four hockey practices and our week has been jammed packed.
  Anyway, that is all just blah blah blah, let's get to it, shall we?

Favorite Things

~ there are still Christmas chocolate remnants everywhere I go ..... that is definitely a good thing!
~ the colder than cold deep freeze I live in seems to be showing some amount of kindness by raising the temperature to a bearable and breathable degree!
~ all the Olympic build up that is being chattered about everywhere is so inspiring.  I can't wait, the Olympics are among my top favorite things ever!  I've already grown weepy over it on more than one occasion.
~ I have loved all the Best Of 2013 song lists and the other lists I've perused.  I love a list, (insert eye roll, right ... now)!
~ I also love the predictions for 2014, it's just fun.

  That's where I'm going to leave it this morning.  The morning sky is tinged with the promise of light and the bus will be here soon.  I've got to get off my butt and kick this day into gear.  I'm going to prescribe for myself a big, healthy dose of fresh air this morning, in the form of, you guessed it, an outside run!  My eyes will tear with the first blast of wind, the wires for my earbuds will freeze solid and my hair will become brittle as the sweat turns to ice while it drips down my neck; the best ever!  The snow will crunch beneath my feet and the sparkles the fresh flakes have left behind will propel, with it's intense beauty, each step I take.  Could it get better?  

Enjoy your favorite things.
Cheers, folks, it's Friday!! 

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