Tuesday, 31 December 2013

One Last Serious Effort!  

  It's that time of year again folks, you know, the time to make lists, check back on your old ones and see if you've moved forward, remained the same or unfortunately allowed the big wheel called life to knock you back a few.  The funny thing about this space, for me anyway, is that I've documented forever the progress I've made, though vague as I may be most of the time, I do remember what was going on, and I do see how short a distance I've travelled in the progress column.
  That's not to say it's a competition, because it certainly is not, but regardless of that knowledge, I still know where I can put a big bold check in the accomplishment column and an arrow to mark the continuance of a journey in others.
  So where do all of these bouncing thoughts leave me?  With the year's final list, of course!

Here's What I Know/Favorite Things

~ I suck at keeping in contact with the people I love, and though that truly does suck, it doesn't mean I don't miss you or love you any less.
~ I still plan on seeing my book/books published, I just don't know how to do it or what that looks like to me, or honestly, what the next step is on that journey.  But this is a sort of declaration for my own selfish pursuit of that goal; It will happen, I will see it through, I will not give up.  I will repeat those words through every generic letter of rejection, through every bump on the road, and through every moment where my belief falters until I've exhausted all possible routes, even if it takes 20 years.  Declaration recorded.
~ I have eaten more cookies and chocolates in the past week of Christmas celebrations than I likely have since I was a child.  I definitely know I've got a lot of quality time with my dreadmill, yes dreadmill, ahead of me in the next few weeks!  
~ I don't know what the coming year holds for me but I know I will do everything I can to make it a good one.
~ I have loved doing very little with my boys the past few days.  There truly is some sort of restorative quality to downtime, no scheduling, no rules and nowhere to be!  And the frigid temperatures have lent a sort of hermit type theme to our holiday.  (Who knew living in flannel and fleece and watching Christmas movies for days on end would be the special ingredient to this holiday season!) 
~ spending time with family doesn't exclusively mean those with whom you share blood. 
~ Being miles apart from those you love is hard throughout the year, but during the holidays, there are moments when it squeezes the breath out of you and makes your heart yearn for the smells and traditions of home, or just plain and simple, resting in the arms of those you love.

  I learnt a lot this past year.  I experienced new things, I embraced the unknown and watched the world unfold before my eyes.  It was a good one.  A really, really GOOD one!  The key, in my humble opinion, is to embrace the small things; to endeavor to grasp the simple and make that the treasure.
  I love the simple, those precious morsels are everywhere around us.  A hot cup of tea from a sparkly new kettle.  Laying tracks down a hill of freshly fallen snow.  The lights that shine on the small patch of ice beside our house, which by the way, brings pure delight to the eyes of my three boys.  The smell of cookies rising in the oven.  The resounding tone of a choir on Christmas Eve.  The crackle of a fire.  The welcoming arms of Christmas morn.   The giggle of boys who play at creating monstrosities out of LEGO.  The privilege of welcoming a New Year, new goals and new attitudes.
  There is so much to be thankful for in the simple that I could go on and on, but I won't.  Make your own list and put the spotlight on the simple for yourself!  Make this New Year a special one!

Happy New Year!

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