Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Mid-Week, Coffee Time Ramble  

  I'm aware this isn't a new thought, and also that I'm not the only woman in the world to feel this way, but as I tucked my favorite boys into bed last night, I couldn't help but feel how lucky I am to have them.  Ultimately they are my world, and I know that I am theirs (for a few more years, anyways).  
  A few weeks ago as we went through the bedtime routine they asked me, "Mom, who do you love more?"
  I looked at each of them.  Two pairs of brown eyes, one darker than the others, one with a corner of blue that hasn't faded since infancy.  Two goofy, eager, grinning toothless smiles.
  I was swamped; there was no choice to be made.
  I looked them in the eyes with seriousness and in turn told them that their daddy was my favorite, no question about it!
  They looked at me startled at first, then my oldest prince laughed, and in typical pre-teen fashion said, "no, Mom, seriously. Dad?"
  I smiled in return and nodded.  "Absolutely Dad.  Do you think I could love one of you more than the other?"
  They looked at each other humorously, it was a big joke and, obviously they each believe they are far superior to the other.  Then they laughed again until they saw my expression sober.
  "Boys, do you know one of the lessons I can teach you and one of the greatest gifts I can give you on this earth is to love your daddy?" I explained with seriousness and a light humor in my heart.  
  I continued.
  "If I didn't love your daddy and we weren't each other's favorites do you think our family would be so happy?  Do you think if mommy and daddy didn't make each other most important we'd be a very good family?"
  The older one got it, at least part of it; in some ways he is wise beyond his years.  Little Bear scrunched his eyebrows together in an "eww, dad?  Gross," sort of way, and I couldn't resist scooping him into my arms. 
  I love both my boys and they are both beyond special.  Any mother worth her salt would claim her children were the best, most brightest, most handsome and beautiful children on the earth.
  (We are lucky, I'm aware, and I do not look lightly upon how difficult and messy love and family can be.  I can also tell you, our family has been through some seriously tumultuous times where it didn't always feel like the sun would come out tomorrow, but after so many years it would be impossible to say time was always kind.)

  It was a precious lesson to be learned by those boys.  A lesson I pray sticks with them into their own married years.
  I love their father.  He is my favorite.  He is the one who holds my heart and can surprise me with his understanding of me and pour into me the fuel I need and only he can provide.  
  When children are small the whole world is about them, and to an extend it is true.  They need us, for everything.  It is our job to teach them to pour as much into them as possible; how to be a man, to understand that they need to take care of themselves, we show them how to have compassion for others, and more specifically, that we are not always the most important one.  That said, someday, sooner than we can imagine, it will be just the two of us again, us against the world, and what will we be left with if he's not my favorite and I am not his?
  Our family is a team, and on a team everyone plays a role.  Some day's your role is highlighted and others it is that of your teammate.  Sacrifice is part of playing on a team, and if you're well rounded, nurtured, and respected by your teammates, you will thrive.

  What is my point in all of this?  
  I'm not sure I really have one.  It may be more of a ramble sort of day, but the truth in that is; sometimes rambling produces good lessons. 

  Stay warm!  Enjoy, and make time or the one you love!

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