Friday, 1 November 2013

The Best of the Past Week....TOP TEN

~ crisp morning runs.  Each day, as we creep closer to the heart of winter, the temperature 
    drops.  I'm struggling with the cold already.  My body doesn't seem to be registering that it 
    needs to make more heat.  So because of this feeling I may need to rely more heavily on the 
    bulky machinery in my basement sooner than I anticipated.  I may not want to use them but 
    I am truly thankful for those ugly machines!

~ a quiet coffee spot.  I carved out a small chunk of time this week to have a cup and find 
    inspiration beyond my four walls.  It's been a seemingly long stretch since I've been lost in
    my imaginary world, and it was good, so good, but now I miss it more and hope to soon find
    myself in that quiet, beautiful, inspiring little coffee corner again soon.

~ visiting family.  It was a last minute unplanned visit; aren't those often the best!  I'm thankful
     for my in-laws; they're very special people, and they melted into our chaos like pros!  

~ I've been on top of the laundry situation this week (whoop whoop), not so much last week!   
    Little Bear ran out of socks and I sent him out in mine.....

~I've begun to realize that there is some sort of functional state in the midst of chaos.  That 
   chaos being my home, my systems, my routine, my compete lack of sanity!  It's 
   new to me, this lack of control - this chaos, so all of you who are laughing at me in the 
   moment, I know, I know....not so new.  I will embrace the chaos and not be so hard on myself
   when one or two or a half dozen of the balls I'm juggling fall hard at my feet, whether that 
   means there are no clean socks or we disappoint people by not being where we're "supposed" 
   to be.  It will all be alright.

~ new kicks that don't hurt my feet!  Ah, sweet, comfortable, relief!

~ quick emails or text from my beautiful friends.  I wish there was more time, unlimited funds, 
    and a fast way to transport ourselves to be face to face.  You inspire me each day, you are all 
    so special in your own fabulous ways!

~ cookies.  YEP, cookies!  They really can change your day, throw in a steaming cup of hot 
    chocolate and WOW.....just saying!  BIG shout out to one specific beautiful, blond, cookie 
    maker!  Thank you for entertaining me with your stories; you are one of my favorites!  

~ is October really gone?  because I don't remember any of it.  Yikes. That's not so much a 
    favorite thing, but here's to hoping that November may find a few more quiet moments.

~the Olympic buzz has begun.  Less than 100 days!!  It's one of my always most favorite 

  Well that's ten!  I wasn't sure I could do it this week, but lookie lookie, there they are!  The week started way off track and yet I still managed to throw some words up here on my lowly page.  Better still, I'm planning on making a full supper tonight for my family!  (We'll see if that actually happens!)
  So it's the weekend.  My days are filled with hockey, lots and lots of hockey!  But after last weekend's seven....yep, 7 games, 4 doesn't sound too bad at all!  
  I wish you all a beautiful weekend full of simple pleasures that pick up your spirits and prepare you for a new week!

Cheers to the weekend!

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