How is it mid-week again, already?
I'm not gonna lie, I'm behind in the times, all day yesterday I thought it was Monday, and as you all know, that is simply not the case.
I am struggling. Not only to keep everyone where they need to be, but I am struggling to keep my mind functioning on the level that reaches my expectations.
I'm going to spin my wheels backwards to that post a while back where I asked you all if you knew those women who had it all together; I believe it was May 27, though as I am clearly not on top of things, it may not be....and yes, I laughed at that. Let's just carry on and pretend that didn't just happen!
On any given day I wear many hats. I love the hats. I love that though I do tend to have a regular routine filled with the everyday mundane, I get to do such a wide variety of things each day it rarely becomes monotonous. Most of the time it's more about finding the time to fit it all in rather than thinking, oh man....I have to do that again. And as an added bonus, for the most part, I LOVE what I get to do!
I'm a lucky lady. Yes, indeed I am. I am loving life, the journey of crazytown adventure we are on, and also all the odd pitches that are thrown at me to swing at or let pass by.
Yet here I am again, setting the bar on expectations so high I'm slipping under the deep water, barely holding on.
I detest the sayings: all or nothing. Go big or go home. Swing for the fence..... shall I go on?
I detest them mostly because they are not realistic. My perspective or goal is more the do your best and give it your all in everything you do, sort of motto.
Do you see the difference? Because I sure do.
The former suggests a cocky, superior, bowl over anyone in your way, denial of the consequences, sort of mentality. I am not that girl.
The latter suggests, to my mind, exactly what it says. Do your best in everything you do, give it your all, when you have a gift to offer, do so humbly and with as much of yourself as you can part with.
I'm not so sure I'm hitting the mark though recently, and yes, I do know that I am most definitely my harshest critic.
But here's the thing I've been challenging myself with recently; if I never push beyond that which is comfortable, where will I end up?
The only answer I can conceive is: exactly where I began.
My response to that is: it's simply not good enough anymore.
So until I figure it all out, and remind myself it's more than acceptable to say no, please be kind.
I am likely that woman with her shirt on inside out or backwards, and it likely has some sort of food streaked across it. Yes, there is potential I may leave the house with only one eye done up with mascara, and my sweatpants? Well instead of being limited to one day a week, they may make a permanent comeback and most likely be the last thing to be run through the wash!
Ha ha ha hahahahaha! Insert highly delusional laughter! (because laughter is the most healthy medicine I can think of and the best way to get you through!)
I'm going to make it; I do know that, and I bet you will make it too! But sometimes it's nice to know that you're not the only one feeling like the wheels are coming off. You're not the only one to feel like your eyes are so tired they're burning. You're not the only one who feeds your kids toast for supper, or runs out of gas on your way to work, or misses an appointment because you wrote it down wrong in your calendar.
Here's what I know.
Everyone needs encouragement. Everyone needs a helping hand now and then (yes, even the ones who never ask). Everyone likes to know that they're not the only ones who feels that way, is in that circumstance, or is struggling to keep it all together.
And you know what is often the most encouraging knowledge?
Tomorrow is another day.
We get to start fresh.
Nobody is perfect.
You are not alone.
It can be as simple as finding the courage to ask for help.
I wish you all the best mid-week day imaginable! Keep your head up! Shine your light to anyone who will see. Smile and take a moment to chat with your neighbor; you never know how a simple, kind word can change your world!
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