Thursday, 31 October 2013

Vance Joy - Riptide (LIVE)

  I've fallen behind and it's Thursday already....I think I'm still stuck in Monday, maybe mid-way through Tuesday, but that can't be changed at the moment!
  This is a good one folks....have a listen.  It makes me feel like I just might, if I let myself be calm and not spin my wheels needlessly, catch up.  Yet at the same time I feel good knowing if I don't catch up I'll make it through anyway.
  Again, it's a good one folks, have a listen, and if you like it, head over and buy it!

Monday, 28 October 2013

Close your eyes

  Close your eyes, I have a story to share if you’ll take a moment and allow me to take you on a journey.  We’re going back in time, to the late 1930’s; to a time where things, compared to today, were done very differently.
  It was summer vacation and the kids of that day were always out and about or with their families, never locked away in the basement, being ignored, with their fingers glued to a remote control and eyes blurry with the motion on the television.
  It was a time when kids rode bikes, went for walks, took vacations with their families and wore clothes that covered their bodies.  It was a different world, but emotions haven’t changed all that much.
  A pair of girls walked along the road, they were cousins and hadn’t seen much of each other since one of the families moved to another province.  They had a lot to catch up on, as girls often do, in the short time the vacation would allow.
  The sun was high, the breeze ruffled the leaves on the tall trees that lined the street and as the girls walked further along the road they came across a group of boys on the opposite side of the street.
  Their eyes drifted innocently, cautiously.  One boy stood out to one girl as handsome.  He likely smiled, and at some point it is certain that each pair of blue eyes locked, there may even have been a shy exchange of smiles.
  Across the road the boys were more cavalier about the scene.  The girls were pretty, wearing dresses and looking fresh, as summer should.  
  One boy, the one on the bike, told his buddies he was going to take that girl, the one he’d set his eyes on, for a ride.
  The boys laughed at his boldness; naturally. 
  But he did just as he’d said.  He pulled his bike up next to the pretty girl and asked her if she wanted to go for a ride. 
  He wasn’t a stranger, she knew where he came from and so, feeling good about him, she did, how could she not?  Her heart was all a flutter in her chest, and the cute boy, the one who’d caught her eye with his handsome appearance, helped her up onto the crossbar of his bike and took her for a ride.
  That’s how they met, how the courting began, and when the girl’s vacation was over there were letters, written by hand and carried to the post, letters to make the miles between them seem short though at the time they were oh, so far.
  Can you imagine hearing that story seventy five years after the fact and still see the sparkle in that girl’s eyes? The secret smile that paints her lips as she remembers.  Oh how I’ve been floating on a cloud imagining the scene, for if it hadn’t been, I wouldn’t be here to share it with you, for you see that girl and that boy were my grandparents.

  Our attitudes, our sense of entitlement towards all we believe the world owes us, the façade we paint on our faces each day before we leave the house, the pain we hide with a smile to ward off chatter or the way we simply hide who we are to get through each day.   Or here’s the kicker, how we hardly ever look up to see what’s in front of us anymore; we’re all too wrapped up in our cyber world, text conversations or electronic relationships. 
 When you compare the now to back then, very little seems the same today in the eyes of the current generation, but I would argue against that generalized statement.  There is a lot that is different, easier at moments and more difficult in others, but love?  Yes, Love.  It's the unchanging bridge we can all understand.  Some things close the gap, wouldn’t you say?

  Here's a quick challenge for you as you begin your weekend.  Ask your parents, your grandparents, your aunts and uncles how it all happened for them.  How did their stories begin.
I am certain you will be surprised, and as their eyes gloss over as they relive those moments from long ago, the gap will be bridged, the time between your life and theirs will grow small.  You just may find that life isn't all that different now than it was way, way back then!!

  Happy 91st Birthday to one of my most favorite friends, resilient inspiration, trustworthy confidant, and most gorgeous inside and my Grandmother! 

Cheers to a beautiful week, folks!

Monday, 21 October 2013

Kacey Musgraves - It Is What It Is (Acoustic)

Monday, we meet again.....

 I'm not in the mood to start a new week, not at this moment, probably not in the next, maybe not at all's just how I happen to feel this morning.
  However, time does not bend to my will, nor does it show mercy to any it welcomes into this life, which if you pause and think about it, is actually comforting.  So I will drag my weary bones out there to the pavement and start a new week just like the rest of you!
  I like this tune, plain and simple.
  I like the acoustic version, the voice, the lyrics, the funny rambling, the girl - her voice - and her guitar.
  Take a listen.  
  Love it or leave it.
  My not-so-secret secret is....I love it!
  I'm off to hit the pavement.  Hopefully I can kick this Monday in the pants.

Thursday, 17 October 2013

On The Lighter Side...Here's To The Ridiculous!

  I ran out of shampoo the other day, nothing special there.  Anyway I had to run into a shop to grab a few other things and I ended walking past a sale of shampoo.  
  I was filled with glee!!!  All those brightly colored , neatly lined up bottles waiting for me to take them home! To say the least I got caught up not only in the pretty girly colors, but also in the selection of scents.
  I'm usually a coconut or almond scent addict, and I don't like to change it up very often, but obviously great product marketing won me over, or tricked me, and I became a fool in the shampoo aisle.
  Because of the sale, and only the sale, I stocked up (I LOVE CHEAP STUFF).  There are many of us in our home who use shampoo, so I picked up a variety.  
  SIDE BAR:  it makes me crazy that the children are always out of shampoo.  I actually believe that they hold the bottle above the shower drain and watch the pretty sparkly liquid swirl down with the a delightful trail of bubbles.....anyway, I digress.
  Okay, so I picked out several different kinds; ranging from moisture boosting, curl enhancing, sleek-and-shine-hydra-drenching....whatever that means and as if any of those things actually happen.  At the check out I was certain I wouldn't have to purchase another bottle of shampoo until the brand, yet again, repackages and shrinks their bottle while they jack the price....(Opps, did that sound severely cynical?)
  Fast forward to a few days later and I get to rummage through that bag to pick out the fragrance that will linger in my hair's wake for several weeks.  I picked the pretty purple bottle, my favorite color, with all the happy looking berries on the front.
  I opened it up and watched the purplish tint cleanser pour gracefully into my hand.  Then feeling the excitement of something new about to happen, I lathered.....and wow....berries I did not smell.  It was an overwhelming waft, not a subtle drift of scent that hit my nose.  I was about to smell like grape.  Not a fresh fruity smell, but a heavy grape bubblegum, that would turn my stomach instantly.  Here's the kicker....I hate grape.  (I'm more of a Double-Bubble kinda girl, if I had to choose a bubblegum.)
  I smell like a scented doll or the candy I never let my kids buy, and the worst part, though I knew it at the start, my hair isn't curlier, or shinier, or more hydra-whatever.  
  I got sucked in.
  I knew it in the store.
  I laughed about it in the shower when the smell got so strong I grew delirious.
  I'm stuck with it for weeks to come.

  How's that for a bit of lighter fare?

  What's the ridiculous in your life?  Take a moment to laugh about it because you know what? It's the best medicine!

Tuesday, 15 October 2013

Chris Stapleton - What Are You Listening To (Live Acoustic)

Yeehaww! This Girl has gone COUNTRY!

  Okay, maybe not all the way, but I'm willing to admit I have slipped my baby toe into the water.
  I know a girl.  I love this girl.  She is never discouraged with my lack of country love, and just as I try to convert her over to the more alternative side of guitar play, she never grows weary in working to convert me to her first love; country music!
  She works in the industry so she has an ear for those sparkly gems of material that periodically float through the radio waves.  She has an ear, and she knows what I love.  She has never once steered me wrong in the selections she sends me.  This tune is no different.
  She sent me the heads up for this one last week and I love it!  I originally heard/watched the video in the official lyric video format, and I won't lie, it was beautiful.  It caught me, held me, and I thought it was cleaver the way the words floated across the screen.
  Have a listen and go buy this song.  How can you not love a voice that was born to sing and be heard....even if you don't like country music.
  Thanks beautiful, country girl!  You're one of my favorite things!

Friday, 11 October 2013

Favorite Things

Favorite Things

~ cuddles from my crazytown boys
~ calm evenings, heat from a fire, gorgeous sunsets
~ warm evening runs and the crunch of leaves beneath my feet  
~ Thanksgiving; we have so very much to be grateful for
~ beautiful friends who are always there to provide an encouraging word and a shoulder to    
    lean on.  New friends or old, you are all beautiful!  Especially the ones who have a strong 
    shoulder they let you cry on (that is a direct shout out!! You know who you are)!  
~ disappointment is awful; we all know that well enough.  Yet it is often a gift in itself, for out 
    of hurt comes growth, from disappointment new sparks ignite.  Everything comes to an end 
    sooner or later, it's how you react and move forward from there that shows true character 
~false alarms can make you all the more thankful for the time you have.  We have endless 
   opportunity to spend time with our ageing loved ones, they will only be around for so long.
   What are you waiting for?  They have so much to offer; accept it, run with it, tuck the offered
   wisdom up in your heart.  Cherish those moments, it's a way to Honor their life as well as 
   your own
~ a garden that produced in abundance and has filled my fridge with carrots that will last for 
    months and tomatoes that will be used all winter
~ a new hoodie from my favorite hoodie shop! It's splashed with color, an inspiring word, and 
    the cutest puppy logo ever!
~ a new bag of coffee beans....ahh, sweet aroma!

Here's my very favorite.
~ my sweetheart.  We can't all be strong all the time, and it was my turn this week to feel less 
    than my best.  He was there, he surprised me with comfort, lifted me in his strong arms, and
    praised me with words that humbled me and reset my focus.  My sweetheart is my favorite.
    He's my favorite for so many reasons but I'll keep my sharing to one; HE KNOWS ME!
    Who knew, right?  He knows me and sees the things in me I don't necessarily see.  He knows
    how to walk along side and offer me help when I don't even know he's doing it.  He knows 
    when to push and when to let me simply talk it out.  He knows I love words and gives them to
     me when he knows I need them most and in the most effective way.  He loves me enough to 
     pay attention to the things I like and he indulges me where he can. 
     He showed me his love this week by bringing me a bag.  A paper bag; he knew I would 
     want it you see, and that it was just as important to me as the hoodie that came in it.  WEIRD 
     ME, I know, but he knew, and that's what blew me away!
     He is my favorite today because he shares with me my triumphs, he walks with me in 
     silent support when victory is far from sight and the stairway to my goals seems more like
     the rocky terrain of a mountain summit; nearly impossible to climb. 

  It's Thanksgiving here this weekend and my list could go on and should reflect so much more, because I feel I have everything I could truly ever want or need, or in the very least, the important things.
  Take a minute out of your day and be thankful; gratitude goes a long way to transforming the way you see the world and everything around you.

  Oh yeah, I didn't forget about you! I'm thankful for you!  No matter how many or how few of you check in on a regular basis.  I'm thankful for you, truly!  Now grab a piece of paper....a real paper, and scratch out your own list.  It's good for you to see it all written down, you'd be surprised how long a list you can make when you get going!



Monday, 7 October 2013

John Mayer - In Your Atmosphere(Live in LA) [High Def!]

What's not to LOVE here?
  It's Monday, folks!  The weekend usually passes all too quickly, and again, usually that's good!  I don't want to pump myself up this morning.  I want to keep that dreamy, smooth-easy, warm and snugly feeling from the weekend. 
  So this is how I'm going to start my day, this is how I'm going to drift along this Monday; with a gorgeous guitar sound and a voice that promises much and delivers the feelings to go with it!
  Hit repeat all you gorgeous Monday people! Sing along.  Sway with the one you love if you get a moment!  Close your eyes and drift to another world....that's what I do!
  Most importantly enjoy and fall in love with the music!  If you do, fall in love that is, head over, fork over a few dollars and add it to your collection.
  Happy Monday!

Friday, 4 October 2013

TOP.....the best bits of this week! 

~ Have you opened your eyes lately? 
    Have you seen the beauty of fall that is waiting to wrap its arms around you?  
    Have you heard the crunch under foot and heard the rustle as those dancing leaves become
    only a memory?
~ Have you seen the first puff of breath float away on the crisp morning air?
~ Have you heard the song in the sky that sounds only from the geese who are quickly fleeing, 
    heading to their winter home?
~ Have you seen those beautiful, mighty machines working in the fields?  Working seemingly 
    endless hours so we can fill our cupboards with food from their land?
~ Have you changed to heavier winter fare on your table?  So long summer salads, hello roast
    dinner and hearty soups.
~ Are you enjoying the earlier hours of darkness and the gorgeous autumn sunsets?
~ Have you begun to layer your clothing?  Bundling tight under a cozy knit?
~ Oi, this one is not my favorite, but have you turned on your furnace and experienced that 
     reassuring warmth? 
~ Are you missing summer and your sunkist skin?  
~ Are you dreaming of palm trees and soft sand between your toes?
~ Have you finished your harvest and stocked your pantry with all your canned goods?
~ Have you cut your grass for the last time this season?  Have you packed away your bikes and
    hauled out your sleds and snow shovels?
~ Have you set a time to be with family and give thanks for all, the big and the small?

  I have loved this week, chaos included!  I made room for time to do all these things; to enjoy the simple.  I love this time of year, even if it has turned too cold too quickly for my liking.  I love that though it is always a busy time of setting up schedules it is also a more restful time because the sun give us the cue to shut down for the day when it sinks below the skyline.  
  I love the turn of season.  It is a promise that we are somehow called to respond to, and as the holiday of Thanksgiving is just around the corner, what better way to do it!
  My list of thanks is long and varied this year, I am more than blessed!
  I challenge you to make a list of your own.  You needn't have to write it down, but ponder it for a while, say thank you, give back, or merely let your heart be glad and in awe of the beauty around you.
  Enjoy the simple things that are all around!
  Cheers to the weekend! 

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

  How is it mid-week again, already?  
  I'm not gonna lie, I'm behind in the times, all day yesterday I thought it was Monday, and as you all know, that is simply not the case.
  I am struggling.  Not only to keep everyone where they need to be, but I am struggling to keep my mind functioning on the level that reaches my expectations.
  I'm going to spin my wheels backwards to that post a while back where I asked you all if you knew those women who had it all together; I believe it was May 27, though as I am clearly not on top of things, it may not be....and yes, I laughed at that.  Let's just carry on and pretend that didn't just happen!
  On any given day I wear many hats.  I love the hats.  I love that though I do tend to have a regular routine filled with the everyday mundane, I get to do such a wide variety of things each day it rarely becomes monotonous.  Most of the time it's more about finding the time to fit it all in rather than thinking, oh man....I have to do that again.  And as an added bonus, for the most part, I LOVE what I get to do!
  I'm a lucky lady.  Yes, indeed I am.  I am loving life, the journey of crazytown adventure we are on, and also all the odd pitches that are thrown at me to swing at or let pass by.  
  Yet here I am again, setting the bar on expectations so high I'm slipping under the deep water, barely holding on.  
  I detest the sayings:  all or nothing.  Go big or go home.  Swing for the fence..... shall I go on?
  I detest them mostly because they are not realistic.  My perspective or goal is more the do your best and give it your all in everything you do, sort of motto.
  Do you see the difference?  Because I sure do.
  The former suggests a cocky, superior, bowl over anyone in your way, denial of the consequences, sort of mentality.  I am not that girl.
  The latter suggests, to my mind, exactly what it says.  Do your best in everything you do, give it your all, when you have a gift to offer, do so humbly and with as much of yourself as you can part with.
  I'm not so sure I'm hitting the mark though recently, and yes, I do know that I am most definitely my harshest critic.
  But here's the thing I've been challenging myself with recently; if I never push beyond that which is comfortable, where will I end up?  
  The only answer I can conceive is: exactly where I began.
  My response to that is: it's simply not good enough anymore.

  So until I figure it all out, and remind myself it's more than acceptable to say no, please be kind.
  I am likely that woman with her shirt on inside out or backwards, and it likely has some sort of food streaked across it.  Yes, there is potential I may leave the house with only one eye done up with mascara, and my sweatpants?  Well instead of being limited to one day a week, they may make a permanent comeback and most likely be the last thing to be run through the wash!  
  Ha ha ha hahahahaha!  Insert highly delusional laughter! (because laughter is the most healthy medicine I can think of and the best way to get you through!)
  I'm going to make it; I do know that, and I bet you will make it too!  But sometimes it's nice to know that you're not the only one feeling like the wheels are coming off.  You're not the only one to feel like your eyes are so tired they're burning.  You're not the only one who feeds your kids toast for supper, or runs out of gas on your way to work, or misses an appointment because you wrote it down wrong in your calendar.

Here's what I know.  
Everyone needs encouragement.  Everyone needs a helping hand now and then (yes, even the ones who never ask).  Everyone likes to know that they're not the only ones who feels that way, is in that circumstance, or is struggling to keep it all together.
  And you know what is often the most encouraging knowledge?  
         Tomorrow is another day.
         We get to start fresh.
         Nobody is perfect.
          You are not alone.
   It can be as simple as finding  the courage to ask for help.
  I wish you all the best mid-week day imaginable!  Keep your head up!  Shine your light to anyone who will see.  Smile and take a moment to chat with your neighbor; you never know how a simple, kind word can change your world!