Friday Favorites!
My young Prince returned from camp this evening. A whole week with one son out of the house, being entertained by a heard of young people who are frankly far more prepared and equipped to captivate and entertain his young mind than little o'l me!
Did you go to camp when you were a kid? Did you anticipate that week during the heat of summer when you could leave your parents and siblings behind, be given just a little taste of independence to live it up with your buddies in the coolest place ever?
The stories.
The epic tales.
The giggles.
The memories.
The lasting friendships.
The days without being forced to brush your teeth, do your laundry, look out for your kid brother, or bathe.
My goodness, me! Those were the days!
I sent him away last Sunday and this evening he returned. I have to confess this week has been easy; or easier, anyway. I also confess that I didn't think I missed him; his presence was definitely noticed and I was constantly aware he wasn't always underfoot, but miss him? I didn't feel it or think so.
But oh how I think I was wrong. I couldn't take my eyes off him when he returned. I was the first one opening the door to the truck and crossing the parking lot to take him in his arms (careful of course not to embarrass him! Is this what life will be like when he leaves for college?)
How is this the boy who (only yesterday) came from my belly? He's nearly as tall as me and, after only a short week away, his voice sounds different, he's more confident, he's grown in independence and, though he is legitimately pleased to see me, he is now that cool, aloof pre-teen boy who doesn't really "need" his mama.
Oh my, oh my.
Well, he's home, happy, healthy, and safe, praise The Lord! I'll be hearing tidbits for weeks to come and if the week was as fantastic as I am led to believe, next year, he will be the first to register.
Life is GREAT!! My boys are all back, under my warm and cozy roof, I have loads and loads and loads of laundry to do, an ear to listen, and my heart is full!
****Thank you to all those camp leaders who give their time, their love, their patience, and their precious summer holidays to grow wisdom, integrity and character in the lives of young girls and boys.
You are making a difference.
You are teaching our children how to be functional humans.
You are doing the job of superheroes.
You are pouring into their lives something that I will never be able to give them.
Do not be discouraged; your work is making a massive difference in so many lives!
As for me? Well, it's my birthday in two hours, YIKES! I'm going to bed! Ha! I'll dream of some of my favorite things....cake, coffee, purple flowers, giggles, sweaty runs, drinks with girlfriends, my ultra-fantastic characters, the pretty room, palm trees, sunny beaches, calm waters at the lake, dance parties, clean sheets, hot coffee, a good book, a cup of tea, a visit with an old friend, wide-open-spaces, rustling breeze-dancing leaves, the smell of rain, the joy of living, a crackling-smoldering-rich-smelling bonfire, a phone conversation with a sassy, foul-mouthed beauty who always makes me laugh, the pleasure of a reciprocated smile.
Life is good!
These are some of my favorite things.
Happy Weekend one and all, cheers!
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