Mid-Week what have you....
I know I've mentioned previously that over the past two years I've been plagued by the most ridiculous sports injuries imaginable. It has truly been a string of hurts that refuses to let go and is pursuing me unrelentingly.
Well, today is more of an encouragement than an elaboration on those sad but true obstacles in my life. I have a beautiful woman in my life who loves to run as well, and she too has run into the valley of injuries recently. I have a gorgeous neighbor who is undergoing surgery to repair a foot injury that has kept her sidelined for a while. And yet a third beauty who, though she's been healed for a while from a more serious knee injury has been away from the running game.
Like all three, I run. I love it. I need it. It fuels me. On a run my spirit is nurtured and my body is freed from the chaos of every day life. Dramatic? I don't think so, but you can judge for yourself that one.
Well I haven't been able to run consistently for over two years now. It hurts, both physically, mentally and spiritually to be held back that way.
So I've had to diversify my outlet. I have incorporated biking to my routine. In truth I bike 3x's more than I run. Do I love it the way I love to run? Absolutely and definitely NOT. But I do it. It's a test you see; if I give up in the midst of struggle what does it say about my character. It comes back to perspective I think, maybe even balance. So I bike.
This morning during my love/hate relationship with my ride a song popped up on my playlist and my mind began to play games.
Why is my body still hurting if I'm caring for it? Why is it not getting better? Am I doing something wrong? Moving my legs too far bent in or too far bent out? Not eating enough protein to shoot its healing power to the aching areas?
Then my thoughts took me to deeper and darker places.
Am I not doing enough as a person to deserve healing? Did I miss an opportunity to love the people in my life..... Did I take too much selfishly? Have I overlooked something that I need to understand in order to be whole again? Essentially, am I being punished for something? Isn't this the big WHY we always ask ourselves when something goes wrong?
This was not a good game, at all.
Do you ever do this to yourself?
Thankfully the song pulled me out and gave me a new perspective.
I've done lots wrong, that is a simple truth. But am I being punished for my wrongs? No. That too is a truth. Our minds can play tricks on us, our bodies betray us, we all struggle from time to time in all areas.
Here's my encouragement, to the beautiful women in my life who are struggling, and to all of you out there who need a tender word spoken into your heart.
We all fall, we all need to get back up. Will it look the same once we've put the pieces back together as best we can? In many cases, no, sadly it won't.
But here's the hope! We need to shift our perspective, change the angle at which we approach what we love, in order to overcome obstacles that land in our way. And that's what they are, simple obstacles, nothing more.
Here's what we need:
Patience is necessary.
Grace is required.
Kindness is essential.
Attitude will guide your vision.
And forgiveness? Can you forgive yourself for being human? Can you give yourself a break? You are likely your harshest critic (if you're anything like me).
We are human, and if we need to understand anything, it is that we are adaptable. We actually need CHANGE. We don't necessarily like it, but it's also a truth.
So be encouraged! It's a new day! Turn your face to the sun and give thanks for what you do have. All the little blessings in life add up to equal abundance!
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