Friday, 3 May 2013

Here's to the Ridiculous

  I've been growing my hair out and cutting it short in proper routine for years now, ever since I can remember actually.  It's a love hate relationship, a never ending cycle and, in my mind, the creative right I have as a woman.  Yet am I ever satisfied?  No!  Straightened or Curly, Long or Short, Bangs or No Bangs, and don't even bring up the fact that my shiny mane has become heavily laced with silver strands that shimmer in the sunlight.
  Though this tangent I'm on is fun, it isn't what I'm getting at today.  
  So recently I've surpassed any length I've ever approached in the past.  I'm talking looonnnggg.  Like caught in my jacket's zipper-long, can't roll over at night because my hair is caught-long, I always think there's something crawling up my back because my hair is tickling me-long, every time I lean forward I'm eating hair-long.....  
  This is long, for me anyway. 
  There are things I didn't know about this elusive, coveted, long haired state of beauty, and being the sharing sort of gal I am, it would be a squandered opportunity to not share what I've learned.
  Here is the ridiculousness of what my hair has taught me.
1~ I now know what a ponytail headache feels like.
2~ There is hair everywhere.  Who knew it was possible to loose so many hairs in one day 
      and have any remain on your head. So gross.
3~ You know that picture of the haircut/style/general texture you've been coveting?  Well,
      sorry to burst your idealistic bubble, but it's not real hair! Toss out that image because no
      one's hair is actually their hair any more.  No Seriously, it's not their hair!
4~ It is very interesting how hair encourages you to perceive yourself in different ways. I
     know.....chew on that one for a while. 

  Okay, so what was my point?  I didn't really set out to make one.  I think this was just my very quirky or bizarre way of saying we always want what we don't have and we're actually rarely, if ever, fully satisfied.  I think this principal bleeds into most areas of our lives, and now that I've said this, maybe I do have a point.  
  Now before you get all crazy and your reflex to argue perks up, hear me out.  
  I'm not generally one who feels I need to keep up with my neighbor to be cool, or be noticed, or find value, or whatever other reason people work so hard to try to keep up.  In all honesty, I don't really care that much about stuff like that, life's too short to want someone else's life, right? Furthermore, it's plain and simply exhausting to work at being something you're not, correct?
  Well now that we've covered that, it should be simple, shouldn't it?  
 My point is ultra cliche....we always want more than we have, the grass is always greener on the other side.  So in order to remedy this more is more life, what we need is a massive dose of contentment and thanksgiving....even if it's about a simple thing like accepting that I'll never ever have beauty queen hair!
  Using the words of the great and cuddly Winnie the Pooh, "sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart."  Wise, wise words oh small, chubby, cuddly bear!  We have so far to go!
Top Ten
1~ the smell of rain.  There isn't a whole lot more refreshing than a cleansing rain.
2~ being an encouragement and lending an ear
3~ homemade beef barley soup on a chilly rainy day
4~ the scent of BBQ in the air
5~ sleeping with the window open and waking to hear the birds
6~ the excitement and tingles of having your work validated
7~ answered prayers
8~ pizza
9~ taking advantage of teachable moments with your children
10~ forgiving yourself for not being the perfect person you imagined you'd some day be

  There it is.  Take it or leave it.  At the end of the day these words are no more than the ramblings of a girl trying each day to be better than the one before.

  Cheers to the weekend all you beautiful people!

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