Friday, 12 April 2013

Here's What I Know 

  The buzz on the street here is how everyone is anxious and not necessarily so happily waiting on what appears to be an ambivalent Spring.  
  Are you feeling that too?
  It's not feeling like sunshiny warmth will envelope us any time soon, unfortunately.  As I look out my back window there is at least a full foot of snow, in places more, covering my lawn.  There are signs though.  The water is running off rooftops and down the streets.  Plus each morning the sun wakes me just a minute or two sooner, and later in the day the sun is reluctant to sink below the horizon before its squeezed out every last breath of the day.
  Spring is here, our expectations are just needing a tweak here and there.
  My boys have the right idea.  For over a week now they've raced off the bus, grabbing their snack, only to head back outside to embrace the chilly afternoon.  They've been playing baseball, riding their scooters, shooting hoops, and exploring the parts of the yard where the snow has been trampled into an icy sheet of shimmering slipperiness!
  They don't grumble about the forecast, curse the wind, or turn their back on the great outdoors.  No siree, they pull on a toque and head outside, because there is something to experience and, in all their innocent eager acceptance, they want to be a part of it!

Top Ten

1~ the sound of a baseball thumping against the garage door
2~ giggles drifting in the open windows
3~muddy splattered running pants, because it shows me I not only worked hard on my run,
     but I also took a minute to delight in the puddles (or simply couldn't miss them all)
4~ early morning sunshine and later evening light
5~ seeing the runners come out of their treadmill caves and return to the pavements
6~ watching families take advantage of the extra sunlight by enjoying an evening walk
7~ tossing out the winter's torn up mittens
8~ swapping out winter boots for rubber boots, and of course, jumping in the puddles
9~ the scent in the air is inviting; encouraging the world around us to wake up
10~ waiting patiently, altering expectations and, with a happy heart, watching the age old
        promise of Spring come to life around me

  There are a lot of things we can change, and now and then, like the arrival of Spring, a few that are beyond our control.  So why fuss, fret, and walk around grumbling about it. 
  Take pleasure in the small things, remember what it was like to be a kid and feel the joy of anticipation instead of the impatience of waiting for tomorrow!

Enjoy the weekend folks!  
Take a moment to savor and be thankful for the small things!

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