Sunday, 9 December 2012

  Merry Almost Christmas

    My home is filled with boys again, their giggles, their messes, and their perfectly normal disregard for my pretty things!  All is right in this Mama's world, or at least as it usually is, ha!
   My favorite thing this weekend was family time.  It was pleasing to set aside time to decorate the Christmas tree, listen to our favorite carols, and of course do it all while eating copious amounts of unhealthy food.
   I am thankful.
   Over the years my love for Christmas decoration has faded.  My husband jokes that it is the one time of year I wish I had daughters....he is wrong, and in fact, I have never felt I was missing out because I didn't have daughters.    Anyway that is way off topic.
   I love a beautiful tree, that I won't deny, I've simply for the time being given up having one of my own.  Here's a quick story to give you some background.  It was our first son's second Christmas, he was about 20 months.  I had left him  to be entertained by his beloved Dora the Explorer while I had a quick shower.  When I opened the door to the bathroom, my dear sweet, angel boy was standing there smiling up at me, holding with both of his chubby little hands the angel from the top of my tree.  At first I was confused, then my heart started beating and I checked to be sure he wasn't hurt or bleeding from the bottom of his feet.  All of my beautiful decorations were glass you see, and I  had a horrific vision of the tree coming down on his head with smashed fragile glass shards strewn across the floor like a fresh snowfall.  
   Thankfully there was not a scratch on him, and once I was certain he was nothing less than pleased with himself for  getting that angel from the top bough, my gauntlet of emotions turned to blatant and unsympathetic anger.  I flew up the stairs, as fast as my 6 month pregnant body would take me and sure enough, that meticulously decorated tree was angled across the living room floor in complete disarray.  I was not a happy lady.
   I packed away my fragile glass balls and have not considered them since.  The tree is now completely in the boys hands.  They decide which ribbon will lace through the branches, they choose which of the sparkly plastic accessories will take center stage.  It is their triumph when it is complete, and though it may not be the most beautiful tree I've ever seen, it's perfect for us.
   Family isn't about perfection, it's about learning along the way and getting there together.  We had a great night together, starting new traditions, laughing together, working side by side, and enjoying each others distinct personality.

   The hum bug, scrooge, or grinch in me is gone.  I may even put a bit of effort into some holiday baking, who knows!  
   In the mean time, enjoy the time you have with the people you love!  Make holiday memories, find a hill to slide down, sip hot chocolate, deliver some goodies to someone you know wouldn't have them without a bit of help, make plans to sing carols throughout your neighborhood.  There is so much that can be done to make this season special.  Slow it down, enjoy, share a bit of love, joy and peace!


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