Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Mid-Week Something...

  I watched my young princes board the bus this morning.  Nothing out of the ordinary in that, but the frenzy of excitement I could see through the fogged up windows was new.  The little bodies that filled the seats in the front watched their boarding eagerly.  Who was boarding the bus next, and how would they entertain us, what sort of excitable magic do these guys have up their sleeves?  
  Each boy carried an extra bag filled with the costumes they would use to transform themselves into something new, someone different, and if their excited energy was an indicator, something much cooler than they are every day.
  As they took the steps to their seats the kids all jumped out of their seats and leaned forward in anticipation.  Again, not their usual daily welcome of indifferent seat-dwellers.  For the kids, today is a day to escape the mundane.  It got me thinking.
  I can have pajama day, hat day, backwards, inside out, beach day, green-yellow-or red day, whenever I want. 

Here's what I'm going to do to break up my everyday mundane and magically transform myself into something new!
  I'm going to go get dressed up now too!  It will not be out of the ordinary, just my running clothes.  But know as I do, I'll be imagining they have transformed me into something really special.  I'll be able to run faster, break records, earn medals.  And when I get home and step up to the podium (which will be my sink and a large glass of lemon water) I'll look out at the crowds (my kitchen window) and take a bow and receive humbly the accolades!

  I can be whoever I want at anytime.....I only need to believe I can!
  There's definitely something magical in the believing!


  1. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
    wish i could lace up and run beside you this morning.
    alas... i'm watching 2 little girls.
    and i'm NOT willing to push a chariot.
    how's that for superhero'ish?

  2. I want to "like" this post. I wish Blogger had that. good going.
