Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Mid-week Confessions

  Let me tell you a story.
  It was early in summer, the sun was already gruelingly hot, so I did my best to keep the boys busy in the morning, so we could hide from the sun during it's peak hours.  It had been a while since I'd seen this particular girlfriend and I thought I'd take the boys on an adventure.
  We set out and quickly covered the .57 miles from our front door to hers.  She lives in a different area of town than we do and for some reason this excited the children.  We'd never brought them there, mostly because they only recently had their first child, and entertaining our boys was a task that their toyless home wasn't up for.
  We had a wonderful visit, and the boys were entertained, which was a great relief.  I had been sharing with her that the summer was difficult for me because there was no real time to sit down and do any productive writing.  That is when she suggested I start a blog.
  I'd never considered it before, and honestly I knew very little about the whole blogosphere.  What did I really have to say that anyone would care about?  That was my question.  She argued I had a lot to say and that our conversation always left her inspired.  It was a great compliment, and it got me thinking.  Maybe I could do it.  It would be a good outlet to write small bits here and there, whenever I felt the chaos of summer slowing carrying me out to sea.
  So I did it.  I spent a day or two doing research, a few more stressing out about what I was doing and why I thought I could do this, or had a voice at all.  And in the end I hit publish on my first offering, realizing it didn't matter if anyone saw it at all, because it was going to fill a whole in my life.
  Here's my truth. 
  I don't take beautiful pictures (my technology isn't even up for it).  I don't want to share every recipe I test out at home, though I am excited about each one, and I will admit I am a rather fabulous cook.  I'm not fashionable, and I don't think anyone wants pointed advice, though I have shared what I'm working on in my own life. 
  I'm not a do-it-yourselfer who can't wait to share her projects, though I often have one on the go.  I'm not a self-help guru who wishes to lend the universe my take on keeping-the-balls-in-the-air.  I have no quick fixes to offer you concerning your health woes.
  I'm a woman who loves to write.  I'll say it again, I love to write.  I love floating through new places, creating and getting to know new friends.  I love watching their story evolve, and I love the feeling when the words flow from my fingers so fluidly I can't move them quick enough.  I giggle often during my work, especially when I find a way to work through an obstacle that has been blocking my way, or I find the dialogue clever.
  I love feeling productive while I write.  But summer wasn't a time of productivity for me.  With a continuous flow of activities it was impossible to sit down and set my mind on business.  So this place seemed like the perfect solution.  I could be creative in small doses and not be neglectful of my duties.
  I loved what this home offered me and I hope to continue to evolve and make it more me.  But now that I'm able to focus on the writing that tickles my mind and begs for attention, I'm ready to get back to it.  I have a story in my heart that needs to be told.
  That doesn't mean I'm ready to abandon my own thoughts and the outlet I've found here.  It just means that it might be different.  Then again it might not be?  I guess it will depend on how distracted I become with my BIG project.  Maybe I'll find myself sharing more than just the music from my projects here, I suppose time will tell.


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