Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Mid-Week Confessions

   I love sweatpants.
   Shocking I know!  Or if you know me, maybe not so much!
   I especially love my really old, worn in and stained grey pair.  They have long since been retired from being my "go to" pair, but there is just something about them that has me digging them up when I'm in the mood.  They don't flatter my figure, they definitely should not be worn out of the house, but bottom line....I don't care.
   It's a miserable day in my corner of the world.  The wind has the leaves swirling, the rain brought a chill that is unrelenting, and the grey of the clouds above have me seeking comfort and warmth.
   Hence, the sweatpants.  When you're chilled to the bone, you don't have a fireplace, you refuse to tear apart the closets in search of last winter's heating pad, and a mean stubborn streak won't relent and allow you to turn on the furnace, what else is left?
   I've wrapped myself in a pair sweatpants that is held together by shredded threads, a sweatshirt I couldn't part myself with 15 years ago when it went out of style, and a steaming cup of tea.
   I'm chilled through, yet I'm warmed by nostalgia; by the intangible moments my sentimental self clings.
   When I'm wrapped up in the goodness these old tattered pieces, I'm sure of a few things: I'm warm, I'm blessed, and I'm reminded of all the heaps of blessing God has placed in my life.
   The journey isn't always warm and fluffy.  There will be dark and miserable days, memories eye won't always bring to mind the good times, or highlights from your glory days.  
  Regardless of how many sequential days the rain falls and the cold descends, there is always beauty to be found.
   These sweatpants in themselves are no prize, they have long since stopped being special in any way, but what they bring me, fills me up.  Tell me they're not worth holding on to a while longer!
   Will you catch me wearing these sweats to pick up milk?  Not likely, I think I'll keep them as my own little secret, but the smile you see on my face may have come from those ugly threads.
   There is simple pleasures, reminders of the good, diamonds in the rough, beauty in the ashes, and on and on and on in every circumstance.  Dig a'll find it!

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