Thursday, 6 September 2012

A Different sort of music!
  Did any of you hear it last night or earlier this morning?  The announcement of fall flying overhead heralding it's arrival with it's less than glamorous, though poignantly welcoming HONK.
   That's right!  The geese have proclaimed the inevitable, summer is over!  That's not to say there won't be sun drenching warm days to come, or that you should pack away that itty bitty bikini till next year, but it would be a good idea to dig out your heavier knits and grab a pair of shoes that covers your toes!
   Autumn has always been my favorite, over the years I could tell you many different reasons for that, but more recently, I'll be honest and share with you a not so stealthy secret.  My brain tends to zero in on food, and fall has something on all the other seasons.  In spring I crave lighter fare that is citrusy and light tasting. In summer when it’s hot, I would rather not be bothered and could survive on whatever goodies I pick up from the fruit stand. But fall? It invites me in and asks me to stay a while; to linger and steep myself in its warmth. A deep-dish bowl of curry filled with pumpkin, squash, and zucchini. The colours we trust. The colours of warmth, of shedding leaves, of harvest, and fires in the hearth…..Ah, Autumn how you enchant me!

   You'll be listening for it now.  The simple sound of fall.  Take your cues from the flocks overhead who flee for warmer climate.  There is no better place to warm up your day than the kitchen...and if that's simply not your thing, layer up, grab a scarf, prepare a thermos, and head outside.  Use your senses.  Hear the crunching leaves, see the changes around you, smell the difference in the air!  It's worth the indulgence!

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