Tuesday, 21 August 2012


  You ever have days where you feel it’s going to be impossible to keep your head above water? The lists you keep have grown too long for the pages, the people wanting a piece of you have formed a line too long tackle. You woke up and found yourself living in a one-step-forward-two-steps-back universe. And to top it all off with a flourish, all those good intentioned, smiling faced friends choose that moment to offer an endless source of perspective. Only perspective comes in a package that looks very little like a compassionate embrace and more like a patronizing, harsh advice wielding voice that says loud and clear; we’ve all been there, and I know what it feels like, there's nothing special going on with you.

  Well boy oh boy oh boy! We’ve all had these moments, right?
  Well here’s what I continue to learn, over and over, when I stumble into this sort of, if I can be so dramatic to say, vortex of a day.
  The list will be there tomorrow, the people most often can wait. Very rarely is anything on your list so important that imminent danger will strike if it’s neglected; nor will it affect the universal balance. No one will be the wiser if your list grows instead of shrinking like you need it to. You can’t do everything, nor are you expected to be able to.
  Are our own expectations of "me" not usually so much greater than the people's we feel expect of us? (Or is that just me because I’m a first born, perfectionist, people-pleasing, yes man, who needs to see everything line up just so?)
  Ahh, well. Now before I cross to the dark side….(because it’s so much better living in the LIGHT!)
  I’m going to suggest putting the lists away.  (Stop fretting about punctuation and use of language.)  Take a moment to breathe, to refocus, to hear the voice inside that is begging you to cut yourself some slack. Answer that phone, because it may be a voice your heart needs to hear, a salve your fragile spirit can use to heal, and the laugh that can change your perspective.
  When you extend yourself a piece of grace you may also see the beauty all around that can recharge you from the inside out. Watch the sunset, dance in the rain, sit near a crackling fire, take a bubble bath.

  It’s in the simple….remember you are important too.

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