Hello there!
I’m feeling rather inspired. Maybe holidays are encouraging it, or maybe I’ve simply taken small chunks of time to develop my thoughts.
Summer is a busy time. It’s busy because my kids are out of school and look solely to me for entertainment. The days are long because they haven’t reached the point where they will sleep in, but they have reached the point where they are able to stay up late…later than me, though that doesn’t take much. From the first light of day they are filled with requests; Mom can we have friends over, their favorite thing to ask, even before I’ve dragged myself out of bed. Mom, Mom, Mom, MOM! I love them to bits and adore the job I have as their Mom, but sometimes I forget that I am a person too, and when that happens…..
So as I’ve expressed before, it is for me the simple things that I find and turn into an indulgence.
I’m going to tell you about one of my favorite spots.
A special place where everything else vanishes? Have any of you had one of those moments; a moment where all the chaos around you, the clutter in your head, and all the voices that have placed weights on your shoulders just vanish. If not, bear with me, I’ll get to it, and if you’re interested, I’ll happily share my spot with you!
I was out for a run this morning. Nothing special about that, right! The route I take matters little, though as I am a notoriously boring creature of habit, I usually end up on the same streets. The elevation is different than my normally flat path at home and few gradual slopes come into play more than I’d like to admit.
I feel the stress seeping out of me with each stride. I’m not checking my watch to be sure I’m on pace, I’m no longer listening to the music pumping into my ears, I forget about the minor burn the incline produces and I’ve abandoned all efforts to regulate my breathing. I’m just running with one thing in mind: I’m almost there, almost at my spot.
My anticipation makes it all the sweeter. I’m aware of everything around me. I savour the feelings, and as words are very possibly my most favorite thing, I run through as many adjectives as possible.
To my right is freshly cut grass that sparkles with dew and circles a recently dragged red shale ball diamond. I smile because there are memories on the field that beckon me to revisit. Memories that are still alive and pivotal to the girl I am. Not today though, I keep moving.
To my left is the serenely peaceful green of the 3rd hold of the golf course. It’s lush looking, and because the sprinklers are on to water the fairway, there is a cool mist floating my way. It smells fresh and new, like the day may hold an unlimited amount of adventure if I were brave enough to accept the challenge.
Straight ahead and adding another dynamic to the feast of senses I’m experiencing is a golden yellow field of wheat. Each nourishing kernel is reaching towards the sun, basking in it’s final days of growth. It’s stunning, not only because beyond that is a patchwork of different colors and designs as the hills rise and fall beyond one another, but because each tall blade grew from a tiny seed into it’s full purpose. It’s potential has been achieved. It has run the race and is steps from seeing the glory of that potential fulfilled.
I’m nearly there, I only have to round the corner. When I do, no matter how many times I’ve seen it, no matter how may days in a row I run this path, I know what will happen. I’m ready. I look up and I take a step out from behind a row of shrubs.
My breath is gone. Simply stolen. In my head I hear a choir, a rich and full sound echoes in my head. (Can you hear it? Do you know what I’m talking about?) Beyond the fields and rolling hills, rising up from the earth I see the most majestic mountains. I want to stop, stay frozen in time, the moment seems to require it. Everything around me simply slips away and something new fills me. I’m lost in time. I’ve been known to weep, to cry out, or simply fall to my knees and allow the emotions I feel to overcome me. I receive answers here in this spot where I let all fall away but the awe striking beauty my Creator has allowed me to be a part of.
It’s my spot, and it reminds me of something so simple yet sometimes so difficult to remember; I am small, I am loved, I have a special place amidst all that surrounds me, and though the unending change that swirls beneath my feet never ceases, I am grounded and drawn to look up and beyond to that which never changes.
I’m going to make my way there again shortly. It’s one of my favorite things! It’s my spot!
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